
Tra i risultati attesi del progetto che verranno pubblicati in questa sezione del sito elenchiamo:

NC capacity to demand assessment: assessment of the seismic and functional adaptation capacities and demand of the most critical NCs and their arrangements (including elaborations and simulations);

 HHF resilience assessment: assessment of the resilience of Italian HHFs considering both seismic performance and functional adaptation.

Innovation development: development of innovative technologies for improving both functional adaptivity and seismic performance of the most critical NCs;

Technological optimization and validation (a) optimization of the construction and technological aspects of the NCs and their improvements, also considering the economic perspectives and the marketplace needs and (b) experimental corroboration and validation.

Design tools and BIM implementation: development of tools for seismic design and maintenance of NCs and BIM implementation

 Guidelines definition: definition of robust technical guidelines for improving the resilience of Italian HHFs regarding NCs.

Prototype innovation launch: launch and presentation of the prototype innovation to public; experimental tests open to public, workshops and social events; the launch will be complementary to WP4 final conference (4.b.iii).

Context analysis: analysis of gaps and constraints with respect to strategies for risk communication;

Perception, needs, obstacles, and priorities analysis: analysis of the perception, needs, obstacles, and priorities regarding HHFs, NCs, and stakeholders

Tools implementation: implementation of tools aimed at the development of knowledge and “soft skills” for resilience enhancement by development of citizen science apps;